Wedding Smiles - Cape Town Dentist - Cosmetic Dentistry


                               Cape Town Cosmetic Dentistry      

Before & After

The Photo Gallery does not necessarily represents ideal treatment.

The 'AFTER' picture was chosen by the patient at the time. 




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  Openings & gaps between teeth.


  Direct resin veneers in 1 visit.




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Teeth too yellow and worn down from
teeth grinding


Direct  resin veneers   in 1 visit.  Patient must also wear a bite plate when sleeping.




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Patient not showing enough teeth when smiling


Porcelain veneers done on front teeth making teeth longer




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 Heavily overlapping front teeth


Cosmetic contouring and resin veneers in ONE visit




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Broken and overlapping front teeth


 Tooth repaired and re-shaped in ONE visit using composite bonding




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 Defective metal fillings


 CEREC porcelain fillings all done in ONE  visit




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 Worn down upper and lower teeth showing chipped and uneven edging


 Teeth were build-up and made longer using composite veneers - all done in ONE visit




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 Irregular teeth showing old defective white fillings


 Teeth re-shaped and sculpted with composite fillings & resin veneers in just under 2 hours.  A whiter colour was used to create a more youthful smile




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 Patient unhappy about gaps and alignment of upper left teeth


 Gaps were closed in 90 minutes with white fillings and sculpting




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 Old dental bridge (upper teeth)  showing uneven front teeth


 New dental bridge (upper teeth) showing whiter and more even smile




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 Temporar y dental bridge showing wrong colour match


 Pe rmanent dental bridge showing a whiter and near perfect smile




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 Patient was getting married in 2 weeks and needed a new smile


 The teeth were whitened and the front tooth repaired with composite bonding




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Patient was unhappy with big gap between his front teeth


 The 4 front teeth were treatend with composite bonding in ONE visit




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 Patient was unhappy with the colour of her teeth


 Teeth Whitening (Customized Option) was done at home




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 Patient was unhappy with gaps between her front teeth, making the teeth look too small


 Teeth Whitening and Composite Bonding was used to create this look in ONE visit




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 Yellow teeth with gaps


 Porcelain Veneers & Composite Bonding was used to create this new smile








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If you are serious about looking your absolute best on your wedding day and having your greatest SMILE ever, we are here to help!

For the first time ever we are giving away our MOVIESTAR SECRETS to help you transform your smile!

Our Teeth Whitening, Dental Veneers, White Fillings, Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentis- 
try will drive you crazy!

A great SMILE is the secret that ties everything together in giving you fabulous pictures, oozing confidence and a drop dead gorgeous YOU!

Subscribe now to get access to these amazing SECRETS  !

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